Based on the latest frameworks
Written using the most popular web development frameworks
- ASP.NET Core 3.x.
- Angular 9.x.
- SQL Server 2019.
SaaS development will become easier than ever
- Multi-tenant and single-tenant modes.
- Single database or database for each tenant.
- Logo for each tenant.
- Custom localization for each tenant.
Multilingual Support
Make your business go global with Dynamic UI Localization
- UI Localization.
- Ability to define new extra languages.
- Database driven resource localization for backend messages.
SOLID Software Design
Built with best practices invented by legendary software craftsmen
- Clean Architecture solution with clean code devised by Robert C. Martin.
- Domain Driven Design implementation devised by Eric Evans.
- SOLID software design principles.
- Decoupled dependencies using the built-in .NET Core IoC container.
Authentication & Authorization
Most needed security features in one place
- Based on ASP.NET Identity Core 2.x
- Sign in, sign up, password reset.
- Editable user profile for each user.
- User lockout.
- Login attempts count logger.
- Password policy settings.
- Users and roles administration with permission-based authorization.
Cross-Cutting Concerns
No repeated tasks anymore!
- Data validation using FluentValidation.
- Exception handling and error logging.
- Decoupling commands, queries and event-handlers using MediatR.
The world's most trusted UI theme
- Latest Bootstrap and Angular based.
- Multiple layout options.
- Versatile UI components.
- Responsive design.